Orthopedic Surgery

Same-Day Procedures with Our Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon

Should surgery be the best treatment option for you, Dr. Voytik, a Board-certified Orthopedic Surgeon at Voytik Center for Orthopedic Care, performs same-day procedures in Cleveland, TN. With state-of-the-art technology, we provide the highest quality of care along with the convenience of a comfortable, relaxed environment. Dr. Voytik offers a number of same-day procedures, which allows for your rapid recovery. Our staff will walk you through the pre-operation procedures and monitor your recovery after the procedure is over. You are not just a number when you come to us, you are part of our family, and it is our responsibility to see you are meeting your health goals!

Contact us today to book your initial consultation.

Common Procedures Performed:

  • Carpal Tunnel Release
  • Trigger Finger Release
  • Knee Arthroscopy
  • Ganglion Cyst Excision
  • Olecranon (elbow) Bursa Excision
  • Open Acromioplasty
  • Rotator Cuff Repair
  • Tennis Elbow Release
  • De Quervain’s Release
  • Hammer Toe Correction


  • Introduction

    The hand and wrist work together to allow you to perform activities of daily living, as well as participating in athletic and artistic endeavors. Working with your hands is not only functionally important, but can enhance our humanity. The goal of hand surgery is to treat pathology caused by overuse trauma, inflammatory, or degenerative processes. Restoration of function and resolution of symptoms, such as pain, are critical goals of our discipline. Most conditions are amenable to initial non-operative management. However, in cases in which surgery is required, we strive to preserve anatomy and utilize minimally invasive and the most up-to-date procedures.

    Below is a list of a select hand pathologies and treatments, including basic information regarding each condition. We would be happy to evaluate your problem and consult with you regarding any of these topics in order to educate you about your condition and develop an appropriate treatment plan. 

  • Normal Hand Anatomy

    The human hand is an intricate instrument that is both tough and delicate. Its functions of sensations and motion allow us to experience and control the world around us.

  • Trigger Finger

    The tendons of the thumb and each of the fingers pass through a sheath on the palm side of the hand. Certain diseases and overuse activities can cause a thickening of this sheath. As the tendon passes through a thickened sheath, the tendon eventually becomes irritated and swells. Pain, catching, and eventually locking of the finger will occur. Early treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication or Cortisone injection. If these fail to provide relief, the sheath is opened surgically through a small incision at the base of the finger.

  • Dupuytren’s Contracture

    This disorder is a thickening of a ligament in the palm, resulting in nodules on the ligament, which, if severe enough, can cause an inability to fully straighten the fingers. The ring and small fingers are the fingers most commonly involved.

    The cause of this disorder is unknown. It is seen more commonly in men and is usually found in individuals of northern European extraction.

    If this deformity and contracture interfere with use of the hand, or if it is progressing, evaluation of a hand surgeon is appropriate. Traditionally, surgical removal of a portion of the ligament has been the treatment of choice to improve function and to prevent further deformity; however, our hand surgeon at SDOA can discuss other less invasive procedures that can be appropriate for you.

  • De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis

    Tendonitis on the thumb side of the wrist can be a very painful and disabling condition. Simple pinching and twisting activities can be almost impossible. The tendons to the thumb become inflamed as they pass under a ligament, and the slightest motion of the wrist can cause pain.

    Treatment consists of rest, medication, and occasionally the use of a steroid injection. If these treatments do not provide relief over time, the tendons can be surgically released.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common hand problem resulting from pressure on the median nerve at the wrist. Symptoms, which are often worse at night, consist of numbness and/or pain in the wrist and fingers. Eventually, there is loss of strength, fine motor control, and sensation.

    Early treatment consists of splinting and anti-inflammatory medication. If symptoms do not improve, an outpatient surgical procedure to relieve the pressure on the nerve is suggested.

  • Arthroscopic Wrist Surgery

    Wrist is also called as carpus, a complex joint comprised of bones and joints, ligaments and tendons, nerves, blood vessels, and muscles that hold the bones together.

Foot & Ankle

  • Ankle Arthroscopy

    Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure during which the internal structure of a joint is examined for diagnosis and treatment of problems inside the joint. Ankle Arthroscopy includes the diagnosis and treatment of ankle conditions.

  • Ankle Fracture

    Ankle injuries are the most common sports-related injury. An ankle fracture is a break in one or more bones that make up the ankle joint. Sometimes ligaments may also be damaged.

  • Bunion Surgery

    Bunion is a foot deformity that changes the shape of the foot, causing the big toe to turn inward towards the second toe leading to pain and inflammation. A bunion is caused by incorrect footwear, joint damage, arthritis, and genetic disposition.

  • Achilles Tendon Rupture

    Achilles tendon is a strong fibrous cord present behind the ankle that connects the calf muscles to the heel bone. It is used when you walk, run and jump. When the Achilles tendon becomes thin, weak, or if it is not used, it may be susceptible to injury or damage.

  • Ankle Sprain

    A sprain is the stretching or tearing of ligaments, which connect adjacent bones in a joint and provides stability to the joint. An ankle sprain is a common injury and occurs when you fall or suddenly twist the ankle joint or when you land your foot in an awkward position after a jump.

  • Common Toe Deformities

    Toes are the digits in your foot and are associated with walking, providing balance, weight-bearing, and other activities. A variety of toe deformities occur in children’s feet.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

    Plantar fasciitis is a common problem that causes pain under the heel bone, often with lengthy walks and prolonged standing. It is most often seen in middle-aged men and women. Plantar fascia is a thick band of tissue that lies at the bottom of the foot. It runs from the heel bone to the toe and forms the arch of the foot. The plantar fascia functions as a shock absorber and also supports the arch of the foot.

Contact us today to learn more or book your appointment.

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